In previous posts I’ve used GalwayBus repo to illustrate results of various explorations I’ve done in to the use of Kotlin Multiplatform. However I thought there’d be value in creating a more minimal project that would allow clearer illustration of key moving parts of a multiplatform project and thus PeopleInSpace was created. It also provided opportunity to try out use of Jetpack Compose for the Android app (with UI being developed on iOS using SwiftUI - using pretty much same approach outlined in SwiftUI meets Kotlin Multiplatform!).

The project uses very basic API to show list of people currently in space (inspired by!

Note: You need to use Android Studio v4.0 (currently on Canary 6) to build Android app. Have used XCode v11.3 to build iOS app.

The Kotlin/Swift code below constitutes majority of code used in the project (I did say it was minimal!!). The project also makes use of:

As always, PRs or suggestions for better way of implementing any of this are very welcome (can respond to tweet shown at bottom of post)!

iOS SwiftUI Code

struct ContentView: View {
    @ObservedObject var peopleInSpaceViewModel = PeopleInSpaceViewModel(repository: PeopleInSpaceRepository())

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(peopleInSpaceViewModel.people, id: \.name) { person in
                PersonView(person: person)
            .navigationBarTitle(Text("PeopleInSpace"), displayMode: .large)
            .onAppear(perform: {

struct PersonView : View {
    var person: Assignment

    var body: some View {
        HStack {
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {

iOS Swift View Model

class PeopleInSpaceViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var people = [Assignment]()

    private let repository: PeopleInSpaceRepository
    init(repository: PeopleInSpaceRepository) {
        self.repository = repository

    func fetch() {
        repository.fetchPeople(success: { data in
            self.people = data

Android Jetpack Compose code

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private val peopleInSpaceViewModel: PeopleInSpaceViewModel by viewModel()

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {

fun mainLayout(peopleInSpaceViewModel: PeopleInSpaceViewModel) {
    MaterialTheme {
        val people = +observe(peopleInSpaceViewModel.peopleInSpace)
        Column {
            people?.forEach { person ->

fun Row(person: Assignment) {
    Padding(16.dp) {
        Text(text = "${} (${person.craft})")

Android Kotlin ViewModel

class PeopleInSpaceViewModel(peopleInSpaceRepository: PeopleInSpaceRepository) : ViewModel() {
    val peopleInSpace = MutableLiveData<List<Assignment>>(emptyList())

    init {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            val people = peopleInSpaceRepository.fetchPeople()
            peopleInSpace.value = people

Shared Kotlin Repository

It would be preferable if PeopleInSpaceApi instance used here could also be injected using Koin. I believe there’s work ongoing to allow use of Koin in a multiplatform project….will update this if/when that become available.

class PeopleInSpaceRepository {
    private val peopleInSpaceApi = PeopleInSpaceApi()

    suspend fun fetchPeople() : List<Assignment> {
        val result = peopleInSpaceApi.fetchPeople()
        return result.people

    fun fetchPeople(success: (List<Assignment>) -> Unit) {
        GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {

Shared Kotlin API Client Code (using Ktor and Kotlinx Serialization library)

data class AstroResult(val message: String, val number: Int, val people: List<Assignment>)

data class Assignment(val craft: String, val name: String)

class PeopleInSpaceApi {
    private val baseUrl = ""

    private val client by lazy {
        HttpClient() {
            install(JsonFeature) {
                serializer = KotlinxSerializer(Json(JsonConfiguration(strictMode = false)))

    suspend fun fetchPeople(): AstroResult {
        return client.get("$baseUrl")

Update 26/12/2019

Added commit that starts to make use of new Kotlin/Native multi-threaded coroutine support (1.3.3-native-mt preview version) outlined in

Featured in Kotlin Weekly Issue #178